Student Veterans Services

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Student Veterans Services is an office within Tulane University's Office of the Registrar, that provides services to students who are eligible for VA educational benefits. The office serves as a liaison between the student and the VA Regional Processing Office.

Using VA Educational Benefits for the First Time?

If you have not previously used educational benefits at Tulane, whether you’re a continuing or new TU student or transferring from a different institution, you must complete the VA form first.

Tulane University's Mandatory Veterans Enrollment Form

Tulane University requires all students using veteran educational benefits to complete the Veterans Enrollment Form for each term the student wants to use their VA Educational Benefits even if the student has applied VA Educational Benefits in a previous semester.

Students who do not submit the Veterans Enrollment form in any given semester will not be certified for VA Educational Benefits for that semester.

It is the student’s responsibility to report all enrollment changes to the Tulane University Student Veterans Services Office as soon as they occur to maintain disbursement of educational benefits. Changes in enrollment can be submitted via the Registrar Support Form.

Veterans Enrollment Form

Yellow Ribbon Program

Tulane University is a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program.

What is the Yellow Ribbon Program?

Degree-granting institutions of higher learning participating in the Post-9/11 GI Bill® Yellow Ribbon Program agree to make additional funds available for your education program without an additional charge to your GI Bill® entitlement.

  • These institutions voluntarily enter into a Yellow Ribbon Agreement with VA and choose the amount of tuition and fees that will be contributed. VA matches that amount and issues payments directly to the institution.
  • Yellow Ribbon funds will be made available after you have exhausted the VA annual cap of $28,937.09.

Yellow Ribbon funding amounts

The amount of funding and number of participants varies by school:

Undergraduate students

College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
Newcomb-Tulane College 8 $4,000
School of Architecture 3 $4,000
School of Business 3 $4,000
School of Liberal Arts 3 $4,000
School of Public Health 3 $4,000
School of Science & Engineering 3 $4,000
School of Professional Advancement unlimited $10,000

Graduate students

College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
College # of participants Amount per year
School of Public Health 10 $1,000
A.B. Freeman School of Business 20 $25,000
The School of Professional Advancement (all campuses) No limit No limit
All other schools (undergraduate/graduate) 8 $1,000

Tulane University's Yellow Ribbon Application

Tulane University accepts a limited number of Yellow Ribbon applications for each academic year beginning in the fall semester.

  • Applications will be accepted on a first come/first serve basis or placed on a waitlist, if necessary.
  • A new Yellow Ribbon application is required once per academic year. If you submitted a Yellow Ribbon Application in fall, you do not need to complete another application for the following spring semester.

Yellow Ribbon Funding Eligibility

To be eligible for Yellow Ribbon funds, students must be utilizing Chapter 33 Post 9/11 at 100% rate, including Active-Duty Service Members, their spouses, and dependents.

Yellow Ribbon FAQs

What are the maximum tuition and fee amounts payable under the Post-9/11 GI Bill?

There is a tuition and fee cap for each academic year (August 1 – July 31). This cap can be paid towards net costs for tuition and fees at private and foreign branches of United States (U.S.) schools. View current tuition and fee caps.

How does the Yellow Ribbon program work?

The Yellow Ribbon program can be paid towards net tuition and fee costs not covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill at a U.S. public or private institution of higher learning (IHL).

For public IHLs, the Post-9/11 GI Bill can cover up to 100% of the net in-state charges, and the Yellow Ribbon program can be used to cover the remaining out-of-state charges for qualifying individuals.

Schools must report the actual net cost for in-state tuition and fees after the application of any waiver of, or reduction in, tuition and fees, and any scholarship, or other federal, state, institutional, or employer-based aid or assistance (excluding Title IV aid) that is designated for the GI Bill student for tuition and fees.

The difference, or a portion thereof, between the actual costs for tuition and fees and the amount of Post-9/11 GI Bill funds can be met through matching contributions under the Yellow Ribbon program for eligible students.

How does section 3679(c) of title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.), affect Yellow Ribbon program benefits?

Since public IHLs no longer charge out-of-state tuition and fee rates to “covered individuals” meeting the requirements in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c), the Yellow Ribbon program will not be applicable to those beneficiaries.

How are the Post-9/11 GI Bill maximum tuition and fee amounts (cap) applied for private and foreign branches of U.S. schools?

The cap is applied until it is exhausted. If the entire amount is not fully used in the first term, then the remainder will be applied to cover all or a portion of costs for the subsequent term.  Once the amount of the cap has been exhausted, then the difference between what the Post-9/11 GI Bill covers, and the tuition and fees charges could be met with Yellow Ribbon program funds (presuming the school participates in Yellow Ribbon) or with other financial aid. Please note that if the tuition and fees do not exceed the cap, then the Yellow Ribbon program funds are not awarded. Likewise, a student attending part-time may not need Yellow Ribbon program funds.

Will the cap for private and foreign branches of U.S. schools increase each year?

The tuition and fee caps are recalculated annually, and changes are effective on August 1, the beginning of each new academic year. VA will update the GI Bill website with any adjustments to the cap.

Does a Veteran or designated transferee have to be at the 100% benefit tier to be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program?

Yes, only Veterans entitled to the maximum benefit rate (based on service requirements) or their designated transferees may receive this funding. Active duty service members and their spouses are not eligible until August 1, 2022. Child transferees of active duty service members may be eligible if the service member is qualified at the 100% rate. As of August 1, 2018, spouses and children receiving Fry Scholarship benefits are eligible for the Yellow Ribbon program.

How do you calculate Yellow Ribbon program benefits for part-time students?

The calculations for part-time students are the same as for full-time students. Any tuition and fees charged beyond the cap can be met or partially met through the Yellow Ribbon program.

Yellow Ribbon Application

Additional Resources

School Certifying Officials

The School Certifying Official (SCO) is responsible for certifying enrolled students to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) so that students can receive eligible VA education benefits. SCOs must carry out the certification process in accordance to VA regulations and policies. Specific questions regarding the VA education benefits, the certification process, submitted certifications, and benefit payments should be directed to the respective SCO listed below.

Belinda Ramie
504-314-2857 |
Undergraduate & Graduate Newcomb-Tulane College, SoPA- undergraduate/graduate, Professional (Law), School of Social Work, School of Medicine (non-MD), School of Business (Grad) New Orleans

Susan Cantrell
504-988-7642 |
School of Public Health (Grad only)

Allys Dierker
504-988-7423 |
School of Medicine (MD only)